• our goals
    • understand principles behind transport layer services
      • multiplexing, demultiplexing
      • reliable data transfer
      • flow control
      • congestion control
    • learn about Internet transport layer protocols
      • UDP: connectionless transport
      • TCP: connection-oriented reliable transport
      • TCP congestion control

Transport services and protocols

  • provide logical communication between app processes on different hosts
  • transport protocols run in end systems
    • send side: breaks app messages into segments, passes to entwork layer
    • receive side: reassembles segments into messages, passes to app layer
  • more than one transport protocol abailable to apps
    • Internet: TCP and UDP
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Transport vs network layer

  • network layer: logical communication between hosts
  • transport layer : logical communication between processes
    • relies on, enhances, network layer services

Internet transport-layer protocols

  • reliable, in-order delivery (TCP)
    • congestion control
    • flow control
    • connection setup
  • unreliable, unordered delivery (UDP)
    • no-frills extension of “best-effort” IP
  • service not available
    • delay guarantees
    • bandwidth guarantees


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How demultiplexing works

  • host receives IP datagrams
    • each datagram has source IP address, destination IP address
    • each datagram carries one transport-layer segment
    • each segment has source, destination port number
  • host uses IP address & port numberes to direct segment to appropriate socket

Connectionless demultiplexing

  • recall: created socket has host-local port #:

    • DatagramSoket mySocket1 = new DatagramSocket(12534)
  • recall: when creating datagram to send into UDP socket, must specify

    • destination IP address
    • destination port #
  • when host receives UDP segment

    • checks destination port # in segment

    • directs UDP segment to secket with that port #

      IP datagrams with same dest. post #, but different source IP addesses and/or source port numbers will be directed to same socket at dest

Connectionless demux: example

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Connection-oriented demux

  • TCP socket identified by 4-tuple
    • source IP address
    • source port number
    • dest IP address
    • dest port number
  • demux
    • receiver uses all four values to direct segment to appropriate socket
  • server host may support many simutaneous TCP sockets
    • each socket identified by its own 4-tuple
  • web servers have different sockets for each connecting client
    • non-persistent HTTP will have different socket for each request

Connection-oriented demux: example

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스크린샷 2021-08-10 오후 5 01 34

UDP: User Datagram Protocol

  • “no frills”, “bare bones” Internet transport protocol
  • “best effort” service, UDP segments may be
    • lost
    • delivered out-of-order to app
  • connectionless
    • no handshaking between UDP sender, receiver
    • each UDP segment handled independently of others
  • UDP use:
    • streaming multimedia apps (loss tolerant, rate sensitive)
    • DNS
    • SNMP
  • reliable transfer over UDP
    • add reliability at application layer
    • application-specific error recovery

UDP: segment header

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UDP checksum

  • Goal: detect “errors” in transmitted segment
  • sender
    • treat segment contents, including header fields, as sequence of 16-bit integers
    • checksum: additon (one’s complement sum) of segment contents
    • sender puts checksum value into UDP checksum field
  • receiver:
    • compute checksum of received segment
    • check if computed checksum equals checksum field value
      • No - error detected
      • YES - no error detected. But maybe errors nonetheless?

Internet checksum: example

스크린샷 2021-08-10 오후 5 21 30

carry된 비트를 더해주고 1의 보수를 취하면 checksum


  • point-to-point
    • one sender, one receiver
  • reliable, in-order byte stream
    • no “messge boundaries”
  • pipelined
    • TCP congestion and flow control set window size
  • full duplex data
    • bi-directional data flow in same connection
    • MSS: maximum segment size
  • connection-oriented
    • handshaking (exchange of control msgs) inits sender, receiver state before data exchange
  • flow controlled
    • sender will not overwhelm receiver

TCP segment structure

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TCP seq. numbers, ACKs

  • sequnce number
    • byte stream “number” of first byte in segment’s data
  • acknowledgements
    • seq # of next byte expected from other side
    • cumulative ACK
    • Q: how receiver handles out-of-order segments
      • A: TCP spec doesn’t say, up to implementor
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스크린샷 2021-08-10 오후 7 28 49

TCP round trip time, timeout

  • Q: how to set TCP timeout value?
    • longer than RTT
      • but RTT varies
    • too short: premature timeout, unneceessary retransmissions
    • too long: slow reaction to segment loss
  • Q: how to estimate RTT
    • SampleRTT: measured time from segment transmission until ACK receipt
      • ignore retransmissions
    • SampleRTT will vary, want estimated RTT “smoother”
      • average several recent measurements, not just current SamplRTT
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스크린샷 2021-08-10 오후 7 36 00

TCP: reliable data transfer

  • TCP creates rdt(reliable data transfer) service on top of IP’s unreliable service
    • pipelined segments
    • cumulative acks
    • sigle retransmission timer
  • retransmissions triggered by
    • time out
    • duplicate acks
  • let’s initially consider simplified TCP sender
    • ignore duplicate acks
    • ignore flow control, congestion control

TCP sender events

  • data rcvd from app
    • create segment with seq #
    • seq # is byte-stream number of first dta byte in segment
    • start timer if not already running
      • think of timer as for oldest unacked segment
      • expiration interval : TimeOutInterval
  • timeout
    • retransmit segment that caused timeout
    • restart timer
  • ack rcvd
    • if ack acknowledges previously unacked segemtns
      • update what is known to be ACKed
      • start timer if there are still unacked segments
스크린샷 2021-08-11 오후 8 13 14

NextSeqNum은 보내야하는 Seq 번호, SendBase는 보냈지만 ACK 받지 않은 Seq 번호

TCP: retransmission scenarios

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TCP ACK generation

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TCP fast retransmit

  • time-out period often relatively long
    • long delay before resending lost packet
  • detection lost segments via duplicate ACKs
    • sender often sends many segments back-to-back
    • if segment is lost, there will likely be many duplicate ACKs
  • TCP fast retransmit
    • if sender receives 3 ACKs for same data (“triple duplicate ACKs), resend unacked
      • likely that unacked segment lost, so don’t wait for timeout
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TCP: flow control

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  • receiver “advertises” free buffer space by including rwnd value in TCP header of receiver-to-sender segments
    • RcvBuffer size set via socket options (typical default is 4096 bytes)
    • many operating systems autoadjust RcvBuffer
  • sender limits amount of unacked (“in-flight”) data to receiver’s rwnd value
  • guarantees receive buffer will not overflow
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TCP: connection management

  • before exchanging data, sender/receiver “handshake”
    • agree to establish connection (each knowing the other willing to establish connection)
    • agree on onnection parameters
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Agreeing to establish a connection

  • Q: will 2-way handshake always work in network?
    • variable delays
    • retransmitted messages (e.g. req_conn(x)) due to message loss
    • message reordering
    • can’t “see” other side
스크린샷 2021-08-11 오후 9 05 37

2-way handshake failure scenarios

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TCP 3-way handshake

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TCP: closing a connection

  • client, server each close ther side of connection
    • send TCP segment with FIN bit = 1
  • responsd to receved FINB with ACK
    • on receiving FIN, ACK can be combined with own FIN
  • simultaneous FIN exchanges can be handled
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client가 마지막에 2 * max segment lifetime을 대기하는 이유는

server측에서 FIN 요청을 하고 ACK를 못 받아서 다시 FIN 요청을 보낼 경우를 대비해서 대기한다

TCP congetion control

  • congestion
    • informally: “toioi many sources sending too much data too fast for network to handle”
    • different from flow control!
    • manifestations
      • lost packets (buffer overflow at routers)
      • long delays (queueing in router buffers)

TCP congestion control: additive increase, multiplicative decrease

  • approach: sender increases transmission rate (window size), probing for usable bandwidth, until loss occurs
    • additive increase: increase cwnd by 1 MSS every RTT until loss detected
    • multiplicative decrease: cut cwnd in half after loss
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TCP Congestion Control: details

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  • sender limits transmission
    • LastByteSent - LastByteAcked <= min(cwnd, rwnd)
  • cwnd is dynamic, function of perceived network congestion
  • TCP sending rate
    • roughly: send cwnd bytes, wait RTT for ACKS, then send more bytes
    • rate = cwnd / RTT (bytes/sec)

TCP Slow Start

  • when connection begins, increase rate exponentially until first loss event
    • initially cwnd = 1 MSS
    • double cwnd every RTT
    • done by incrementing cwnd for every ACK received
  • summary: initial rate is slow but ramps up exponentially fast
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TCP: detecting, reacting to loss

  • loss indicated by timeout
    • cwnd set to 1 MSS
    • window then grows exponetially (as in slow start)
  • loss indicated by 3 duplicate ACKs: TCP RENO
    • dup ACKs indicate network capable of delivering som segments
    • cwnd is cut in half window then grows linearly
  • TCP Tahoe always set cwnd to 1 (timeout or 3 duplicate acks)

TCP: switching from slow start to CA

  • Q: when should the exponential increase switch to linear?
  • A: when cwnd gets to 1/2 of its value before timeout
  • Implementation
    • variable ssthresh
    • on loss event, ssthresh is set to 1/2 of cwnd just before loss event

TCP throughput

  • avg. TCP throughput as function of window size, RTT?
    • ignore slow start, assuum always data to send
  • W: window size (measured in bytes) where loss occurs
    • avg. window size (# in-flight bytes) is 3/4 W
    • avg. throughput is 3/4W per RTT
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TCP Fairness

  • fairness goal
    • if K TCP sessions share same bottleneck link of bandwidth R, each should have average rate of R/K
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Why is TCP fair?

  • two competing sessions
    • additive increase gives slope of 1, as throughout inscreases
    • multiplicative decrease decreases throughput proportionally
스크린샷 2021-08-12 오전 12 29 41


  • 컴퓨터 네트워크 이미정 교수님 강의
  • Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet